Travelling and Mental Health

Sudin KC, an avid traveller, when asked about self-realization through travels, answered, “Before starting my trail I wasn’t sure if I could backpack solo across the Great Himalayan Trail, like everyone I had my own fears – fear of getting robbed, getting injured, eaten by a wild animal, getting sick, not being able to complete the trail, freezing to death and getting lost.” 


Although he faced most of the situations he imagined, he said again, “What I came to realise from all those experiences is that sometimes we are our worst enemies. In Nepali, we have a saying “Ban ko baag le khaye ni nakhaye ni maan ko baag le khancha” which means sometimes we let our fears have power over us which stops us from pursuing what we want. I came to realise the fears I had although legitimate weren’t as bad as I thought they would be. Facing and overcoming all those fears has definitely helped me to understand what my true potentials are, and the next time when I have to make a life decision, I know it won’t be fear-driven. I know I am strong enough to face my fears headstrong.”

Sudin KC was diagnosed with a mental condition (bipolar disorder) and whilst on medication – his overall well-being has majorly improved by travelling. He documents people, culture, and lives his life to the fullest on travels.

Travel always brings an opportunity to overcome fear, rewire the alchemy of happiness, awaken empathy, compassion, and global understanding. A Yatri travels with an open heart to every journey, small or big, exploring ourselves as we explore the world. To travel is to live and breathe every single moment. To get lost and to find your rhythm. Being a Yatri takes you to places away from home, but wherever we go, we stretch to return.

Travelling unswervingly is the most beautiful way for our mental well-being. Many scientific research suggests that exploring a new place can do wonders for our mental and emotional health. While travel helps our well-being, the idea of going into the unknown, getting out of a routine and comfort could sometimes be daunting. It can induce anxiety, stress, mood change and in some cases depression. 

People having pre-existing medical conditions (be it mental or physical) are prone to discomfort if not properly taken care of. The changing topography, climatic conditions, and also the surrounding can trigger the mental discomfort and or illness. 

The very first step to fully immerse in the travel well-being experience is to anticipate the ideas. To know what you are getting into and to prepare as much as you can. This might be beneficial on many occasions. If you are on medication, proper research on the destination and regulation of medicine might help. Consulting your doctor is always a brilliant idea. Telling your family and friends where you’re heading to, and giving them your itinerary might come in handy in situations you would otherwise find dreadful. This also helps get your stress down to some extent. Planning your diet if that bothers you is also an excellent way to keep your cool. 

Where do you want to set your foot off to? Destinations do matter. How well can you know the area from the comfort of your home?

Travelling helps rejuvenate, relax and recharge you. To lift up your eyes to the skies instead of screens, to choose trails over pavements – to feel the drenching rain, scorching sun, and swift gale of wind in the vastness of nature; all in all, to get lost and to find yourself.

Join us live at the premiere of ‘In Search of My Roots’ on Youtube – October 18, 6 PM (GMT+5:45)